Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tweets, take two

Learning that the med unit had switched back to mint pepto was the highlight of my day.

Lying is bad...except when you're reading Lolita and one of your students asks you what your book is about.

Out of both white cheddar popcorn seasoning AND ranch dressing powder packets. It's a sad day, my friends.

If only my neighbors knew that "I'm cleaning my house" means "I'm watching Newsroom" and "I'm working" means "I'm reading"

Fun fact: eurythmics//sweet dreams is always the first song pic for courtyard dance parties. #djclarice

Already planning my COS trip. Aggressive? Don't care.

**COS = close of service, aka August 2016

Well if I'd known so many people were going to see that picture, I'd have tried to look a bit less villageoise...

Who knew that the canine throat could make such whale-like sounds? Or that I'd end up w the clingiest dog on the planet?

Hmm, what veggies have we got at the marché tonight? Onions...aaaand onions. Great. #hungerseason #itsathing

Not to be a diva but...any chance it could rain a little less hard? Even w headphones I can hardly hear my rainy day movie. #tinroof #notthebeer

When my neighbor kids point to a bat and say "ebolaaaa," it takes all I have to put on my teacher voice and say "that's right," instead of laughing

xo, chlo


  1. Oh my gosh!!!! White Cheddar Popcorn seasoning and Ranch Dressing powder will be on their way Soon!!!! I had no idea!!!
    And!...maybe she's not clingy, she just Loves her Momma!!!!
    And!!!.... clearly Clarice and I are soul mates!!! Hahaha!!!!!

  2. P.S. Good use of the "Lying is Bad Exception Rule", cr. 08475.876, Chapt. 6, 70.3. Hahaha!!!
