Thursday, June 26, 2014

Observations (part 1)

Family, Friends, Admirers, and Friendly Neighborhood Stalkers,

I present to you the first installation of a new series which shall contain my random observations that don't warrant entire posts.
  1. When donkeys bray - is that the technical term? Idk - it sounds very much like they're being slaughtered. "Dying" donkey is basically the soundtrack to my life. Also…
  2. Chickens. I thought roosters were only supposed to cockadoodle-doo in the morning, Burkinabe roosters like to do so at all hours of the night.
  3. Goats bah-ing sound very much like humans pretending to make goat sounds.
  4. French spellings of animals sounds are much more accurate than English spellings. I promise this is the last one that relates to animal sounds…for now.

cockadoodle-doo >> cocoricoo
woof >> ouah
quack >> coin
moo >> meuh

  1. African 8 year olds are just as weird as American 8 year olds. The other day my (8yo) host sister was goofing around and put a hoodie backwards on her head - i.e., covering her face - and then was just bopping around blind, dancing with a sweatshirt hanging from her head. It was awesome.
  2. Stage is basically middle school. You're completely dependent on your (host)parents for a lot, and your life is very scheduled. Things I've said/have been said to me: "I hope my mom made spaghetti!" "What was our homework? Do I have time to do it tomorrow morning?" "Y'all my mom said I have to be home by 8."

That's it for now but I'm sure there will be many more :)
xo, chlo

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