Sunday, January 11, 2015

Meet Nadez

Okay first things first.
Adults hugging kids isn't really a thing here. Kids will hug on their friends, and little kids will go up to their mom and like lean/hug on a leg, and the mom might like pat their back or something, but that's about it. As you might imagine, it's very sad for me, BUT I just got my first real hug from one of my neighbor kids and it was so magical!!!

So Nadez is approximately 7 and lives in one of my neighbor compounds -- but she just lives here to go to school (ie her mom/family don't live here). She's probably the most perpetually joyful child, and she's always the most excited to greet me or to come visit to get candy**, so it's hard not to adore her.

Example: Clarisse and Isa are both rocking the typical Burkinabe face of stone, but Nadez is cheesing hard.

**It should come as no surprise that I am the village candy supplier. Normally it's just my neighbor kids, but based on the amount of non-neighbor-kids who have come today, I think word has spread...

So she came to get candy for her little gang who were on their way to the pump, and after she comes into my courtyard and says hello, she smiles and just throws her arms around my waist! Not only was the hug itself magical, but the look on her face was like she was just overcome and couldn't resist the urge. Obviously, I died. I mean just look at this face.

Also the other day, I saw her and her bestie Isa (who is also living there for school) on my way home from the marché and they informed me that they were "my children." Pardon me while my heart melts.

xo, chlo

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