18.4 million 318.9
274 thousand sq km 9.8
million sq km
>> slightly larger than CO
60.5% Muslim 51.1% Protestant
19% Catholic 23.9% Catholic
15.3% Animist 1.7% Mormon
4.2% Protestant 1.7% Jewish
1% Other/None 1.6% Other Christian
0.7% Buddhist
Mother’s average age at first birth:
19.4* 25.6
Total Fertility Rate (children born/woman):
5.93** 2.01
Physician density (number of physicians per 1,000 people):
0.05 2.45
Percentage of children under 5 who are underweight:
26.2% 0.5%
Literacy (age 15 and over who can read and write):
Total population: 28.7% Total
Population: 99.99%***
Male: 36.7%
Female: 21.6%
GDP per capita:
$1,700 $54,800
Number of internet users per 100 people:
3.7 81
Number of mobile phone users per 100 people:
3.7 81
Number of mobile phone users per 100 people:
57.1**** 98.2
* This age is higher than observed in village - confirmed by volunteer sitting next to me as I type :)
** This number is lower than observed in village - same volunteer agrees again. The head of my health clinic reported an average of 7-8 children per woman.
*** For some reason I couldn't find this number on the World Factbook page, but Wikipedia gave this number and cited the World Factbook as a source...so, who knows.
**** For BF, this number may as well be "number of phone users." I've never met a Burkinabe with a landline.
Source: CIA World Factbook, UNICEF
**** For BF, this number may as well be "number of phone users." I've never met a Burkinabe with a landline.
Source: CIA World Factbook, UNICEF
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