Proof: it's only 1pm right now and I've already...
- planned most of Monday's 2 hour 6eme class
- taught 2.5 hrs of classes
- gone with my director, my homologue, and another teacher to visit my chief (which is why I only had 2.5, and not 3 hours of classes - I was literally summoned in the middle of one)
- discussed the new-baby gift to be given to my director and his wife by me, my homologue, and the English/French teacher
- chatted with my neighbor and agreed to charge her phone on my solar panel AND to go to church tonight
- added air to both bike tires
- moved my little bike bell to the right side of the handle bars so I can make it "ding a ling" with just my thumb
- FIXED my little bike bell, which included taking it apart and cleaning the tiny gears and rigging the whole thing with a bit of rubber (from the strap that holds things on the bac)k so it can be "ding-ed" without scraping along the handlebar
VERY Industrious!!! And.... so many facets of "The Chlo"!: Good Worker, but "willing" to cut it short if the boss says so! (Haha, just teasing!); Thoughtful, but let's face it, you're a sap for anything baby-related, and...I don't know if 'agreed' is quite the same as 'offered' (Couldn't resist! Hahaha!); God-fearing, Yay!!!!; A Handyman (make that WOman!) and very Capable at that!!, (I know you're happy to have your little bell "ding a linging" properly!) You Go AngelGirl!!!!